The Monarch highway Adventure Group Project
Our group "Pat and the Monarchs" created an awareness campaign to reach people that live and commute within the area of the Monarch Highway. The Monarch Highway is everything within 100 miles on either side of interstate 35. This corridor represents the migration route of the monarch butterfly and which make it a highway for use and the Monarchs.

If we don't save the Monarchs there will be very little effect on the production of food and the world won't came crashing down around us. But we will lose something beautiful and a symbol of change and renewal for many people. Luckily there are many people working to save the Monarchs. Groups like The Monarch Watch, Wild Ones, The Minnesota Zoo, The Xerces Society and so much more have been working with people all over the country, trying to preserve the Monarchs and their migration route. Our idea was to connect the people in this space to the Monarch through technology. By creating an app people could use to track the Monarchs they see and to find places to visit that will have Monarchs was our goal.

Below you'll find slideshow of the plan our group "Pat and the Monarchs" created to bring awareness to this awesone issue.